Monday, November 4, 2013

Holistic Properties of Jewelry

The Holistic Approach to Jewelry

What could be better than Mother Nature's very own elements?


Without doubt, we all want to be healthy.  I, myself, have found that over the years, I treasure the times I feel my best.  I can't count the number of days I've been ill and with that, I set out to determine the best sources of holistic remedies to my own, and some of the more common, ailments. "As a rule, a person does not pay attention to that. In ancient times it was known that metals and their alloys had not only the material value, but also healing and energetic properties. Metals were used to treat and prevent various diseases. Nowadays, the action of metals on the human body continues to be studied, and their beneficial properties find new applications in traditional and alternative medicine." 4 

The first known coins date back to 610 BC and were made from silver by the Lydians (circa 1200 BC – 1st century BC). Although these people no longer exist today, at one time Lydia was quite a powerful empire that encompassed today’s Asia Minor, modern Turkey and western Anatolia.
Simply put, silver " minimizes zinc on the skin’s surface, which decreases an enzyme known as Metalloproteinase (MMP) and in turn stimulates healthy tissue. In decreasing MMP, the natural anti-inflammatory properties present in silver increase production of calcium, which is necessary for wounds and in particular burns to heal." 1   Not only does silver get rid of pathogens, it helps promote rapid healing of the tissues infected or destroyed. Most burn centers use various forms of silver and silver soaked bandaging for burn victims. 
In fact, silver leaf was used to combat infection in wounds sustained by troops during World War I and in the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds. Silver is a powerful germ fighter but this was not always used for such until well into the 1800's.  Colloidal Silver is used today for a variety of medicinal purposes and  Silver sulphadiazine is now used in a large number of burn centers.

Ancient Egyptians used copper pipes to transport water to destroy parasites and other water-borne pathogens. Shipbuilders have used copper for thousands of years to keep algae from encrusting on the hulls of ships. French vintners have used a copper sulfate compound to fight fungus on grapevines for hundreds of years.  More recent studies have shown that uncoated copper and copper alloys can inactivate the more virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria associated with hospital-acquired infections (HAI), such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).  As a healing metal copper is also used for problems with excess fat. It benefits the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system.  The use of copper bracelets centers on reducing the joint pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition to easing joint stiffness, adherents wear copper bracelets to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. While theories as to why copper bracelets are beneficial vary, the "Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine" mentions that "some advocates claim the copper emits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties." 2    Although no scientific evidence backs this up, some bracelet wearers report feeling better after using the copper bracelets.

Gold, a known element for it's ability to attract heat to the body.  "The earliest records of the use of gold for medicinal and healing purposes come from Alexandria, Egypt. Over 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians ingested gold for mental, bodily and spiritual purification. The ancients believed that gold in the body worked by stimulating the life force and raising the level of vibration on all levels."  Today we use gold in dental work for ease of malleability and its non-toxicity.  Early 1900's medical doctors put gold beneath the skin to ease pain of joints.   As far back as the late 1800's, gold was known for its healing properties and influence on the circulation of blood to the heart.   Today gold can be found in many consumable items such as chocolate, champagne, wine and more.

Worth Noting
Calcium, Zinc and Cobalt
These metals are necessary for optimal health.  These metals work with the body's natural enzymes to speed up chemical reactions. 
Aides in the normalization of blood in the body.
Thought to help "clean the spine" of contaminants.

With all these wonderful metals, one need only choose, the next time you come across a unique jewelry design.  Wear it proudly as it's one less ailment you need worry about.  Put your metals to work for yourself and your own well-being.   And the next time you pass on a piece of handmade or well designed piece of jewelry, think again!  It just may be just what you need!

2. Scientia Press: Medicinal Effects of Copper Bracelets
"Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Volume 2"; Jacqueline L. Longe; 2005

Thanks for visiting.  Please be sure to add your comments and check back.  I will be posting more tips shortly.  Thank you - Donna

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