Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finding Your Inspiration

by:  DK Designs Jewelry


Jewelry Artwork - Finding Inspiration

      Like writing a book, sitting down at my work station sometimes draws me a complete blank.  I need something to get the creative juices flowing.  With art, specifically, jewelry, we often forget that each design take inspiration to be beautiful.  

      Endless seas of websites, stacks of magazines and a desk full of parts, offer no help to be inspired.  I often scroll for hours on the Internet perusing sites, hoping to find that one design element to kick start my creative juices.

      It wasn't until recently, after almost a year of floundering around, that I realized my true inspiration doesn't come from other designs, books or web sites.   

Empire State building ~ INSPIRATION






Earrings made from my inspiration.


Below, are some ideas on how you, too, can find inspiration and get that spirit in your own jewelry, just as I do:


Do you have albums or boxes full of photos?  Maybe it's all stored on your computer or disc drive?  Of course you do.  We all do.  Your inspiration is at your very fingertips!  Grab one or two.  Look at them.  Maybe the image stirs an emotion or a thought of some incredible day.  Maybe a smell comes to mind like that of frosting on a birthday cake or flowers in a garden.  How does that picture make you feel?  Use this feeling and select a bead or bobble that reflects that same feeling for you.  Now pick an element , maybe wire, or a bail or a post that seems to accentuate that little item.  Now, you're on your way.


2) COLOR ~

I'm a very visual person so colors stand out to me and I truly feed off of a color that suits me in a given day.  I am guilty of buying a single bead or bag of crystals just because the color radiated and caught my eye.  I had no idea what I might make with them but I loved the color.  Sometimes, a single piece of colored material will spark my interest and my design will revolve solely around it.  I often check my color wheel for complimentary colors.  You don't have to have an earring in all blues because your perfect bead was blue.  I color cross with an accent color simply by checking my color wheel and seeing color compliments.  Across the wheel might be the yellow and together with your blue bead, you've created a wonderful montage. 

 Now you get it.  See, the juices are flowing already!  One begets the next, begets the next.


Now, this is an easy one.  When a holiday or event rolls around, I'm compelled by that event to create something complimentary.  The stores may be bursting at the seems with holiday items.  Be on the lookout for small items that can be incorporated into your jewelry.  One of my favorite places to go is the craft-fares.  If nothing else, I get greatly inspired by the creativeness of others. 


One of my favorite things to do is create a collection based on a theme.  Sometimes it's inspired by  a particular color or maybe by a kind of metal texture.  Whatever the inspiration, use your first piece to inspire the next one and so on.  Before you know it. you've got a themed collection.



Every great artist sees the world thru different eyes.  You are just as great and your art is waiting to be born.  Take a stroll along a riverbank or oceanfront.  Take in the smells and sounds.  Let the environment inspire your creativity.  A recent trip to visit friends included a stop along the highway to eat.  While looking at the beautiful waterfall that barely escaped the rockslide, I noticed all the lush green foliage surrounding the puddle at the bottom.  Each piece of ivy glistened with moisture and sparkled like tiny diamonds.  I immediately took a picture with my camera phone and I was home again, ready to create, I looked again at my photo.  Before I know it, I'd created a glistening masterpiece that sold in 2 days.  Be aware of your surroundings and look for beauty in everyday life. 



Don't be afraid to fail.  I have a desktop full of pieces I've started by stopped because I didn't like where they were going.  Never throw them away!  I can't tell you how many times I need that added element and what had once started as a pair of earrings was now my new necklace.  Sometimes I take the item apart and use the pieces on something else.  My once failed ring is now my work of art necklace.  Throw nothing away.  You may use it later.

Here are some great web sites to check out for more information:

Thanks for visiting. Please be sure to add your comments and check back. I will be posting more tips shortly. Thank you - Donna

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